Well the row's now gone political and I mean big time, with the Irish government forced to cancel a planned cabinet reshuffle because of the media furore. And this is Garth Brooks himself at a press conference last night. 爱尔兰政府迫于舆论压力,取消了已经安排好的内阁改组。以下是昨晚GarthBrooks本人在媒体发布会上的讲话。
France is sinking ever deeper into economic stagnation and political deadlock over the urgency of reforms of its labour market and social security, reflected in yet another cabinet reshuffle. 法国正陷入越来越严重的经济停滞,政界却仍未就改革劳动力市场和社会保障体系的紧迫性达成一致,这体现于又一次内阁重组。
He had taken the position just three months ago as part of a broader cabinet reshuffle by Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda. 松下忠洋三个月前刚刚走马上任,这是日本首相野田佳彦(YoshihikoNoda)更广泛的内阁重组的一部分。
It's amusing to watch members jockeying for the prime minister's attention prior to cabinet reshuffle. 看到政府官员在内阁改组之前耍弄花招以讨得首相欢心是很有趣的。
Some Greek political sources say that a cabinet reshuffle announced on June 17 strengthened the influence of deep Pasok over the government, just when the EU and IMF are desperate for Greece to reinvigorate its fading reform effort. 希腊政府内部消息人士表示,就在欧盟和IMF不惜代价地想要让希腊恢复本已逐渐偃旗息鼓的改革之际,6月17日宣布的内阁改组又增强了深层泛希社运党对政府的影响。
In a statement to parliament on Thursday, Mr Cowen made clear he had intended to use the resignation of six ministers in the past two days to facilitate a cabinet reshuffle. 在周四向议会发表的一份声明中,考恩明确表示,他打算利用过去两天6位部长的辞职,来推动内阁重组。
Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro mori, whose cabinet survived a no-confidence motion on tuesday, has begun preparations for a cabinet reshuffle. 日本首相森喜朗内阁的不信任决议案于星期二被否决,森喜朗已经开始作改组内阁的准备。